Design Patterns
- 01 Intro Do Kurzu (720p With 30fps)
- 02 Factory (1080p With 30fps)
- 03 Singleton (1080p With 30fps)
- 04 Prototype (1080p With 30fps)
- 05 Builder (1080p With 30fps)
- 06 Observer (1080p With 30fps)
- 07 Strategy (1080p With 30fps)
- 08 Template Method (1080p With 30fps)
- 09 State (1080p With 30fps)
- 10 Memento (1080p With 30fps)
- 11 Interpreter (1080p With 30fps)
- 12 Mediator (1080p With 30fps)
- 13 Iterator (1080p With 30fps)
- 14 Chain Of Responsibility (1080p With 30fps)
- 15 Adapter (1080p With 30fps)
- 16 Facade (1080p With 30fps)
- 17 Decorator (1080p With 30fps)
- 18 Composite (1080p With 30fps)
- 19 Proxy (1080p With 30fps)
- 20 Bridge (1080p With 30fps)
- 21 Flyweight (1080p With 30fps)
- 22 Immutable Objects (1080p With 30fps)
- 23 Method Chaining (1080p With 30fps)
- 24 Dependency Injection (1080p With 30fps)
- 25 Záver Kurzu (1080p With 30fps)