Logo Design
- 01. Intro (1080p With 29fps)
- 02. Čo Je Vlastne LOGO (1080p With 30fps)
- 03. Čo Je To BRAND (1080p With 30fps)
- 04. Atribúty Ideálneho Loga (1080p With 30fps)
- 05. Farby, Tvary, Symboly A Iný BS (1080p With 30fps)
- 06. Grid (1080p With 30fps)
- 07. Slogan (1080p With 30fps)
- 08. Druhy Logotypov (1080p With 30fps)
- 09. Software (1080p With 30fps)
- 10. Minimalistické Logá - Nie Je To Jednoduché (1080p With 30fps)
- 11. Trendy Vs. Nadčasovosť (1080p With 30fps)
- 12. Redesign Loga - Teória (1080p With 29fps)
- 13. Redesign Loga LabZone (1080p With 30fps)
- 14. Ako Logo Prezentovať Klientovi Mockups (1080p With 30fps)
- 15. Tvorba Loga - CungaDesign (1080p With 30fps)
- 16. Design Manuál (1080p With 29fps)
- 17. CTA (1080p With 29fps)
- 18. Záver (1080p With 29fps)