Moderny Javascript ES2015
- 01 Tvoj Prvý ES2015+ Kód (1080p With 30fps)
- 02 Arrow =_ Functions(1) (1080p With 60fps)
- 03 Arrow Functions(2) =_ Pravidlá Pre This (1080p With 30fps)
- 04 Arrow Functions(3) Nemá This =_ Non-binding This (1080p With 30fps)
- 05 Novinky V String _ Number _ Math (1080p With 30fps)
- 06 { Block Scope } 01 Let, Hoisting, Implicit_explicit Block (1080p With 60fps)
- 07 { Block Scope } 02 Let V Cykloch, Async Programovanie (1080p With 30fps)
- 08 CONST Vs. VAR Vs. LET, Style Guides (1080p With 60fps)
- 09 Getters, Setters (1080p With 60fps)
- 10 Object Literal Extensions, Objekty Sú Fajn A Teraz Ešte Viac (1080p With 30fps)
- 11 Object Destructuring _ Destructuring Assignment (1080p With 60fps)
- 12 _ Spread... Parametre (1080p With 30fps)
- 13 Default Parameters Vs. Default Operator (1080p With 60fps)
- 14 Template `Strings`, Smart Strings (1080p With 30fps)
- 15 Novinky V Array (1080p With 60fps)
- 16 Iterators, Nový FOR...OF Cyklus (1080p With 60fps)
- 17 Generator Functions_ 1 (1080p With 60fps)
- 18 Generator Functions_ 2, IdGenerator (1080p With 60fps)
- 19 Promises 01 - AJAX, Len Lepšie (teória) (1080p With 60fps)
- 20 Promises 02 - Timer Cez Sľub, All, Race (prax) (1080p With 60fps)
- 21 Asynchrónne Programovanie, ASYNC_AWAIT (teória) (1080p With 60fps)
- 22 ASYNC_AWAIT (prax), Callback Hell Choď Preč (1080p With 60fps)
- 23 SET (ako Pole, Kde Každá Hodnota Je Unikát) (1080p With 60fps)
- 24 MAP (ako Objekt, Kde Kľúč Môže Byť Aj Ne-string) (1080p With 60fps)
- 25 Symbol (nový Dátový Typ) (1080p With 60fps)
- 26 Proxies, Sprav Si špióna, Zostaneš čistý (1080p With 60fps)
- 27 Chuťovky Z Budúcnosti, Exponentiation, UNICODE, Viac (1080p With 60fps)
- 28 Class, Extends, Super() (1080p With 60fps)
- 29 ES6 Modules 01, Rozbi Kód Na Súbory (1080p With 60fps)
- 30 ES6 Modules 02, Z Patternu Na Modul (1080p With 30fps)
- 31 ES6 Modules 03, IMPORT _ EXPORT (1080p With 60fps)
- 32 ES6 Moduly Zatiaľ Pomalé, Prepáč (1080p With 60fps)
- BONUS 01 Tvoj Prvý ES6 Kód (, =_ Fun, Class) (1080p With 30fps)
- BONUS 02 Ešte Stále Tvoj Prvý ES6 Kód (default Params, Method(), BABEL) (1080p With 30fps)
- BONUS 03 NPM + BABEL, Moderný Kód V Starých Prehliadačoch, Babel Pluginy (1080p With 30fps)
- Kde Ma Nájdeš, Keď Ma Chceš Sledovať, Stalker (1080p With 30fps)